Prophet Immanuel Conrad

Prophet Immanuel Conrad founded the Fountain of Liberty Embassy Church International and has over 10 years of experience in ministry. He started preaching at the age of 14 and is passionate about winning souls. He is highly respected in his community for his teachings and commitment to spreading the Word of God.

They are all words befitting the man whose passion to reach people with the love of God is known around the world—both as a minister of the gospel and as a Pastor.

But those who know Immanuel Conrad are quick to apply those same attributes to the man who not only teaches and preaches faith, but lives it every day of his life.

The Prophet to the Nations, a servant of the Almighty God, an Evangelist, Mentor and great teacher of the Word, the Man of God, Prophet Immanuel Conrad. There is no single word or sentence to describe him fully, as each person describes him according to his or her encounter with him.

Many names have been attributed to him over the years in the ministry and wherever he goes. His distinct attributes are endless, a humble servant of God who loves, obeys, adores and respects God. He is more characterized by loving God and loving People. No matter the years we have spent with the Prophet, it will take God Almighty to truly reveal “who is among us”

Immanuel Conrad is a man on a mission—a man with purpose. Driven by a passion to make a difference in the world, his desire is to see people maximize their full potential and use their God-given gifts to influence others to make a difference.

Immanuel Conrad

Charismatic in his delivery, he brings a strong message of hope—both in and away from the pulpit. It’s a message that declares that regardless of the decisions one makes, or what challenges he or she faces, God’s love is never-ending and unchanging…that God desires for people everywhere to know that nothing is impossible to them who love and obey Him; and that with faith, they can see mountains moved out of their lives!

Immanuel Conrad knows he is called to be a voice to today’s generation, to empower people to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and to live a lifestyle of faith each and every day. And he’s doing just that every day, as he takes the good news message around the world.

Available for

Unlock your potential with Prophet Immanuel Conrad, a spiritual guide who helps identify strengths and break through barriers for a more fulfilling life. Connect through sessions, workshops, and teachings to discover your purpose and start living your dream life.

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One-on-One Counseling

Get personalized spiritual guidance from Prophet Immanuel Conrad in a safe and confidential environment. He is a highly experienced spiritual leader who can help you achieve your spiritual goals. Book your one-on-one counseling session now for a life-changing encounter.

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Mentorship Season

Find your purpose with Prophet Immanuel Conrad’s mentorship! Discover your potential and unique gifts with his help. Step into your calling with confidence through personalized support. As a trusted spiritual leader, he helps you navigate life’s challenges. Sign up today to experience transformative guidance!

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Invite Immanuel Conrad To Speak

“Experienced and passionate speaker, Prophet Immanuel Conrad, is available for conferences, seminars, crusades, and other events. With vast knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, he aims to deepen spirituality and provide tools to strengthen the relationship with God. Invite him to your event for an excellent choice.”

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