Global Missions

Our CoreValues

  • Reaching people, wherever they are – proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ through every available means.
  • Planting communities of authentic followers of Jesus – partnering with local believers to establish churches in more nations.
  • Equipping and mentoring servant leaders—training them to proclaim the gospel of Christ to their own people and to other nations.
  • Caring for people—coming alongside the poor and vulnerable and introducing them to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to honor God by nurturing disciples from diverse cultural backgrounds, sharing and embodying the teachings of Jesus Christ through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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“Plant a seed in the Fountain of Liberty Global Missions to make a difference in the world. Your donation can touch many lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Spread love, hope and faith throughout the world by sowing a seed in faith. Thank you for joining us on this journey.”