Creative Arts Ministry

It is awe-inspiring to contemplate the sheer magnitude and brilliance of God’s creativity. Sometimes, when we look at the unusual and fascinating animals He has blessed our world with, such as the kangaroo, the giraffe, and the octopus, we can scarcely believe that such creatures actually exist. But the most incredible and breathtaking expression of God’s creativity can be found in humans. According to Christian theologians, we are made in the very image of God, referred to as the “imago dei.” In other words, God has endowed us with His own creative spark and we are called to reflect this attribute in our own lives. 

The Fountain Of Liberty Creative Arts Ministry is an incredible community of creativity from all backgrounds – musicians, artists, scriptwriters, photographers, actors and actresses, editors, and so many more – who have harnessed their God-given talents to further His kingdom. It is amazing to see how their creative gifts can have eternal value when used to lead others to Jesus and nourish their faith.

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